This is the handwork of my Father. I stood on a rock gazing into the Canyon, as I was praying in the spirit I had a vision of the enormous yet gentle hands of the Father forming each rock, canyon and peak. Thoughtfully placing color and depth into each carefully created aspect. I know these canyons have shifted and changed over time and were probably created by the flood. But the point is I more deeply understood how thoughtful and intentional creation is, it was not accidental. I think sometimes we read about creation in Genesis and think God spoke and poof it appeared. But I believe there was deep thought and intentional design that went into the detailed creation of everything in our world. Everything from climate to plants, animals and bodies of water that each region would need and how it would all work together on the earth is magnificently designed.
As we drove back from the canyon I kept thinking about the awesomeness I had just seen and then I heard the Father whisper "but you were created in my image". With all the beauty there is in this world, all of the wonders we can see from mountain to sea, desert to rain forest, we are the most precious thing to him. All the exquisite wonder this world has to offer was created for us, but He created us for Him. We are beloved sons and daughters, made in His own image. We hold more value to the Father than anything else. Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds, they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable than they are?". Who could ever have known that a trip to St. George Utah of all places could establish wonder, awe and identity so deeply in me.
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