I am a fighter, not necessarily by nature but out of necessity. I have been up against chronic sickness and disease for most of my life, and have stood in the face of death a time or two. Situations like those force you to fight even if you are not instinctively a "fighter". When difficulty comes whether it is in the context of health, relationships, or just life in general it is difficult for me not to want to fight...or more specifically to want to defend. I tend to be very defensive, often in situations that don't even call for defense of any kind. But I have walked through a season of grace and rest and in that season, the Father taught me to allow him to be my defense. He is the great defender, and he can cover me and fight for me better than I can even on my best day.
I recently wrote a song that is deeply personal, it is a song I can sing to the Lord and immediately feel him close. I sing it in the moments when discouragement and worthlessness hit me. When I forget that to Him I always have and always will be "worth the fight". I honestly believed when I first wrote it that this song was just for the Father and I. A song I would probably never share, but as I began to sing it more and more I heard him whisper that He wants me to share it. I share it because others need to know that they too are "worth the fight". I don't have a recording, I hope to someday, but for now here is the lyric.
Worth the Fight
You fight for me, win my battle
Heart defender, source of peace
Eyes ablaze and heart so kind
where storm and comfort meet
My worth will be found, only in you
as you fight for me, you fight for me, win my battle
I lay down my life, only for you
as you fight for me you fight for me, win my battle
Speak to me words so tender,
you say I'm worth the fight
I find my rest against your chest
your presence is my light
My worth will be found, only in you
as you fight for me, you fight for me, win my battle
I lay down my life, only for you
as you fight for me you fight for me, win my battle
You come with gentle hand and pick up every piece
You tip my chin, dry my eyes and kiss my tear stained cheeks
You say I'm worth it, I am worth it worth the fight
I say your worth it, you are worth it, worth the fight
Never give up, never let go, never stop pursuing the glorious presence of almighty God. He will never give up on you. He will never let you go, and he will never stop pursuing. He will always fight for you. He will always win your battle.