Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Pearl of Great Price

I was reading in Matthew 13 the other day and came across the parable of the Pearl of Great Price.

"Heaven's kingdom realm is like a jewel merchant in search of rare pearls. When he discovered one very precious and exquisite pearl, he immediately gave up all he had in exchange for it." (TPT)

I have always found this parable beautiful. Such a wonderful prophetic illustration of the cross that was to come. Jesus, the merchant, is seeking us, the precious pearl. Searching us out, looking for our beauty. The exquisite beauty His Father created. When He finds it, He gives up all He has in exchange for it. He gave up His life because I, even in my sin, was so exquisitely beautiful to Him that He couldn't resist me. He had to have me, all of me, no matter what the cost. Even as I write this I am unable to grasp the depth of that kind of love. A love so intimate, deep and personal that He would take on shame, humiliation, guilt, and all sin no matter how ugly. He would plunge to depths so low, so dark, so desperate, so evil that even His Father had to turn away. This the cost of His life for mine, but to Him, I am worth it.
How could I not run full force into the hands of the one who paid the price to love me, and me alone. The one who brought me from slave to free. The one who took me out of hopelessness and certain death into glorious hope and eternal life. How could I not sacrifice all and surrender to a love that deep? A love so deep there is literally nothing natural capable of reflecting it. A love that is in and of itself supernatural.
There is a terrible misconception in Christianity today that says intimate love with our Savior Jesus is somehow strange or weird, that it is unattainable and should be avoided because He doesn't relate to us in that way. That misconception holds people from destiny. It holds them back from their intended relationship with Jesus. That misconception is a lie disguised as truth and is stealing your very identity. You... the pearl of great price were born for intimate relationship. You were created for this kind of intimate love. His love is so deep that no genuine satisfaction can be found outside of it. Why are so many today frantically searching for love? Desperately trying to find a love that satisfies and accepts them. Searching so frantically, to the point of self mutilation in the name of finding truth, finding love. But in the end they find themselves feeling less fulfilled and more desperate than when they began. Why? Because our spirit is created for intimate love, and we are so determined to see it manifest in our lives we would in turn pay any price for something promising to fill that void. The problem with that is the highest price has already been paid. You cannot buy what has already been bought. The love we desire, the love our spirit needs is ours for the taking. You just have to say "yes", you just have to surrender.
Today as you read this, if it strikes a chord in you, know that Jesus is seeking you. He wants intimate relationship with you. He wants to love you on a level your mind cannot fully understand. He wants to catapult you into an eternal destiny that goes far beyond what you have imagined in this lifetime. Let Him love you fiercely. Allow Him to take your mess and transform it into wondrous beauty. For you, uniquely loved, individually created, exquisitely formed are His pearl of great price.


2 Corinthians 4:8-9   We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed but not driven to despair. We are h...